Upper Eyelid

Upper Eyelid


t can be applied to those who have sagging problems in the lower and upper eyelids due to aging, or those who have sagging in the eye area due to genetic reasons, traumas resulting from accidents, or infections.

How is eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty) performed?

After the patient is evaluated before eyelid aesthetics, pre-operative drawings and measurements are made on the natural curved lines of the eye for upper eyelid blepharoplasty. Devices that make incisions with heat called scalpel or cautery or some special laser technologies are used for the incision. Lower eyelid aesthetics can be performed from the lower eyelash line or from the part on the inside of the eyelid with the transconjunctival method.

Is eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty) permanent?

With eyelid aesthetics, excess eyelids, especially skin, and sometimes muscle and fat tissues are removed. This is a permanent operation and its effect lasts for 10-15 years. However, over time, patients may need surgery again due to the decrease in skin elasticity, age, facial expressions and gravity.

Is eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty) risky?

Eyelid aesthetics is an operation with very low risks in experienced hands who are interested in this surgery. The most common effects are swelling (edema), rarely bruising and bleeding in the form of leakage, and are mostly temporary. However, infection, severe bleeding or eye or vision-threatening problems have also been seen in the literature. However, these are very rare side effects, and the possibility of encountering such situations is almost non-existent with a careful and meticulous surgery performed by competent people and with the necessary precautions taken.

How is the eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty) recovery process?

Redness and swelling occur in the first 3 days after eyelid aesthetics and decrease and disappear within 1 week. A good surgery during this period and cold application afterward largely prevent swelling, redness and bruising. The bandages on the stitches are removed after the first 3 days, and the stitches are removed after 1 week. The scars of the surgery disappear 1 month after the operation and the appearance is at its best. Daily routine work can be returned 3 days after eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty) surgery.

How many days after eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty) surgery can you take a shower?

You can take a shower 3 days after eyelid aesthetics, which will also wet your hair and face. Even on the day of surgery, you can wash your body with warm water without touching your face, head and eyelids.

What should I do after eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty)?

After eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty), patients are usually discharged after a few hours of ice application and observation. It is recommended to apply ice intermittently for 15 minutes every hour during the first 2 days, except for sleeping hours. The ice does not have to stay on the lid for 15 minutes at a time, the application should be paused when the lid starts to cool down and feel cold. It is important to elevate the head level with 1 or 2 pillows while lying down. It is recommended to stay away from jobs that require excessive effort, sports, bending and standing up, and very hot weather. After the first 48 hours, you gradually return to normal life.

Will I have pain after eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty) surgery?

There is no pain during eyelid aesthetic surgery due to local anesthetics, and mild pain usually begins an hour after the surgery. This pain can be relieved with ice application and simple painkillers taken orally.

What anesthesia is used to perform eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty)?

Eyelid aesthetic surgeries are mostly performed with local anesthesia (regional numbing). However, in some special cases or upon the request of the patient, it can also be performed with sedation (sedation, also called semi-anesthesia in sedo-analgesia) or general anesthesia (full anesthesia).

How long does eyelid aesthetics last?

Eyelid aesthetics is not a temporary operation, but a permanent one, and its effect lasts for 10-15 years. However, over time, due to the decrease in skin elasticity, age, facial expressions, and gravity, there may be cases where surgery may be needed again.

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