Hair Mesotherapy

Hair Mesotherapy


esotherapy for hair is an application that people who want to have hair care today and people who complain about various conditions about their hair, apply to clinics. Mesotherapy, which has entered our lives due to the benefits it has provided a long time ago, can be used in many areas in the body. Although the usage area is quite common, one of the most used and most effective areas is the hair. Hair mesotherapy is extremely beneficial and its effects are seen with regular sessions.

What is Hair Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy for hair is an application to the scalp of the person. In order to make hair healthier, grow faster, eliminate breakage problems or prevent skin problems, a very rich liquid substance has been developed in terms of content over many years, and successful effects have emerged as a result of the application.

Who Can Have Mesotherapy?

People who can have mesotherapy for hair;

Adult individuals over 18 years of age
Those who are not pregnant and breastfeeding
Those who do not actively use drugs
Those not on blood thinners
He can do mesotherapy. Although there are many reasons for the problem that occurs in the hair, the mesotherapy process solves this problem in long sessions. However, it is necessary to listen carefully to the recommendations of the specialist in order not to repeat the problem later on.

Why Hair Loss, Dandruff and Unhealthy Appearance Occur?

Causes of hair problems;

genetic predisposition of the person
Experiencing extreme stress
Having a deficient iron and mineral balance
Medicines with side effects of hair loss
Using the wrong shampoos or hair care products
Thyroid diseases
Hormonal causes
Such situations can cause various problems in the hair and people may feel uncomfortable with this situation. Mesotherapy applications can bring vitality to the hair and with regular care, this situation can create a permanent effect.

Which Components Are Used for Hair Mesotherapy?

Components used in mesotherapy treatment for hair;

hyaluronic acid
amino acids
Minerals and vitamins
are available. All these components are applied to the scalp of the patient by injection and show an effect in a short time. These substances are not harmful to the skin. On the contrary, it benefits the person for the regeneration and repair of the skin. However, the operation must be done by a specialist hand, otherwise there may be deformations that can cause serious problems on the scalp of the person.

How is Hair Mesotherapy Done?

Making hair mesotherapy;

The hair and scalp must be clean for the time the patient comes to the appointment.

The mesotherapy method is performed by injecting the relevant serum directly under the skin.
The serum, which is applied at certain intervals throughout the entire scalp, allows the relevant substances to work by penetrating the skin surface from the first session.
The procedure can be done 6-8 times in regular sessions.
The success rate of mesotherapy for hair is extremely high.

Hair Treatments

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